Who Else Wants To Sell Their South Carolina Land?

Who Else Wants To Sell Their South Carolina Land?

If you are like a lot of people, you own some South Carolina land.

Maybe you inherited a little piece of South Carolina land from a family member.

Maybe you bought your South Carolina land years ago and got a great deal on it thinking that you’d retire there one day… then plans changed.

Maybe your job transferred or you relocated and now, you are too far away from South Carolina to actually enjoy it. (Kids have no plans on going back either)

Maybe your South Carolina land is in the middle of now where and you have no concrete plans for what you are to do with it.

Maybe you are just tired of paying South Carolina land taxes on it. (That seem to go up every year!)

Maybe you have thought about selling your South Carolina land before; maybe not.

Maybe you WANT to sell your South Carolina land; maybe not.

Maybe you NEED to sell it fast; maybe not.

Whatever the reason you have ever thought about selling….

You want a fair profit.

Your goal is to get as much money out of the sale of your South Carolina land  as you can.

But you also realize you don’t have a lot of time. 

That’s the dilemma.

How do you decide how much to ask for your land in order to secure a fair profit and generate
a quick sale at the same time – with the least amount of headache and hassle?
(Advertising, calls, showings, Realtors, etc)

Take heart.  It’s possible.

Regardless of the market – be it hot or cold; regardless of the season – be it summer or winter;
and regardless of the fact the land down the street has been sitting on the market forever
without any takers – you can accomplish the goal of selling your land fast and at a fair price
if you follow a few simple principles.

  1. Realize what you think your South Carolina land is worth has absolutely no merit. Being a commodity on the open market, land is only worth what other people are willing to pay for that particular parcel of land, in that  particular area, and at this particular time.
  1. Think of the South Carolina land you are preparing to sell as dirt – not your dirt. You must detach yourself emotionally from the sale of your land and view it as just another commodity for sale on the open market. It is no more and no less a piece of dirt for sale to a buyer who is ready, willing, and able to purchase it.
  1. Hire an appraiser to give you a documented opinion as to your land’s value. Realize, however, the appraisal you receive is only the appraiser’s professional opinion based on reliable market data – but it is only an opinion. Only a buyer willing to put money in your pocket can tell you what your land is actually worth.  And be aware that appraisals are often too high – appraisers are more likely to overstate the value of land rather than understate it.
  1. Sell me your South Carolina land. First: I’ll provide you with a “FREE Land Audit” that will give you an overall view of your local land market and tell you:  Is the market hot or cold?  Is it a buyer’s market or seller’s market?  It will also let you know the total inventory of land currently on the market in relation to the number of land currently sold.

For instance, if 2,356 parcels of land are for sale and 62 lots are pending sale, the ratio is .03.  (This means that 3% of the land is selling.)

If you are considering selling your South Carolina land this data can be the most powerful information you can gather to best position your land for a fast, profitable sale.

 Then, if your South Carolina land qualifies, I will provide you with a Fair, Firm, Written, CASH OFFER. I will pay all attorney fees, closing costs, title searched, surveys, etc. No Fees. No Hassle.

We’ll handle all the paperwork and close in a few days!

I don’t know your particular reasons you are thinking about selling your South Carolina land, but I do know how to get your South Carolina land closed as quickly and as professionally as possible.

Imagine…by this time next week, your South Carolina land is SOLD!

So, If you want to sell your rural South Carolina land in the fastest, most convenient way, find out what I can do for you!

What’s the next step?

Call now (843-564-8438) and see if your South Carolina land meets my requirements.

It doesn’t cost a penny to talk!


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